Canine Parvo Virus
March 2025

What is it and how does it spread?

Parvovirus is a virus which is highly infectious and resistant to normal disinfection. It can live in the environment for extended periods of time (months to years) There is no set amount of time because it depends on enviromental factors such as humidity and temperature1) with young puppies being the most susceptible2 . Some dogs may be “subclinically infected” meaning they carry the virus but don’t appear sick and because of this the virus will continue to spread. It only takes a small amount of the virus to create an infection in a new host.

The virus is shed in the faeces of infected dogs and transmitted via direct (sniffing the fecal matter) or indirect (licking paws after walking along grass which had the virus present). There is a three to seven day incubation period before signs of illness start to show.

How is it harmful to my pet?

Parvovirus attacks the digestive systems, bone marrow and in puppies under 4 weeks old the heart. The viral attack on the digestive system means patients are unable to absorb nutrients from food, they have diarrohea which leads to severe dehydration (loss of fluid) if left untreated. The barrier between the digestive system and bloodstream also breaks down resulting in bloody diarrohea and allowing bacteria to enter the body.

Parvovirus’s attack on the bone marrow is also important to mention because this is where new immune fighting cells are created. Destroying these cells leaves the patient with a low defence system to fight the virus as it progresses further into the body. Without treatment the mortality rate for puppies is around 91% 3.

How do I stop Parvovirus?

Prevention is key! This is why vaccination is so important especially with puppies. Those patients most at risk need to be protected from possible exposure (no little puppies at the dog park please!). Puppies do get antibodies passed to them through their mothers milk. However these antibodies are just what the mother has been exposed to during her lifetime, so if she hasn’t been vaccinated/exposed to the virus then these antibodies won’t be present .

Following your veterinary clinics vaccination protocols allows your pet to have safe exposure to the virus (and build antibodies and immunity to Parvovirus) without getting sick.

What about my adult dog?

Infection in adult dogs is uncommon due to widespread vaccination 4. So it is important to follow your veterinary clinics vaccination protocols. Often for adult dogs this is a yearly booster which can often be given during your pets yearly check up.

What should I do with this information?

If your pet has been vaccinated be sure to check when they’re next due and what they’ve been vaccinated against (Parvovirus, Kennel Cough, Canine Distemper etc.). If you’re not 100% sure or have any questions give your local vet clinic a call, we’re more than happy to answer any questions or concerns about your pet.

[1] Parvovirus: How it Happens - Veterinary Partner –VIN. Wendy Brooks DVM DABVP Rev: 05 Oct 2023

[2] BSAVA 6th Ed. 2020 (ed.B.Cooper, E.Mullineaux and L.Turner). Chapter 18 pgs. 587-588


[4] Parvovirus: How it Happens -Veterinary Partner – VIN. Wendy Brooks DVM DABVP Rev: 05 Oct 2023