June Focus
June 2024

Hi Everyone,

Hope you’re all enjoying some down-time with the cows dry. It’s been a lovely autumn – not too much mud yet! Long may it last.

Below is our e-Update for June (apologies for all the talk of preparing for calving – it seems to come around quicker every year).


  • Make sure you’re feeding dry cows enough to reach calving body condition score of 5 (or 5.5 for first and second calvers). An extra bale on a wet day is a good plan, as we all know it’s hard to gain weight on a water-based diet! If you are unsure about your herd’s condition, please contact the clinic about body condition scoring.
  • Herd Lepto, Salmonella & Rotavirus vaccinations should all be booked in this month.
  • Plan your minerals for the coming season. We’ve seen some low copper levels this autumn – if you haven’t tested cows for a few years, it might be a good idea!
  • Nitrate test any new grass/oats/other rapidly growing winter feed crop – it’s better to be safe than sorry! Farm-side tests are available from the clinics. These are quick, cheap and give you a good indication of whether your paddock is safe to graze.
  • Feed the winter milkers well – especially through any adverse weather that occurs during mating.
  • Boost the springers for B12/Selenium – as they enter the springer mob is the best time pre-calving.
  • Check your calving kits are ready to go with ropes or chains, pulleys or a jack, and lots of lube plus a lube pump. Also stock up on pain relief, starter drench and metabolics.


  • Train your heifers to the shed, to make it easier come milking time. (And much easier for the teatsealing team!)
  • Remember to boost them for Lepto/Salmonella/Rotavirus as well as the herd.


  • Autumn-borns should be close to weaning, remember their second 5 in1/10in1 boosters.
  • Your R1’s away grazing are shortly due their BVD booster – remember to ask the grazier about the bulls’ BVD vaccination and test-status too, as it’s often easier to tidy this up in the winter months.
  • A winter drench after a warm autumn is usually recommended for a clean-out – now is probably the best time to spend the money on a top-end combination one.
  • Make sure your calf sheds are ready for those early calves. If not yet done, replace bedding substrate, remove faecal matter and dirt, and give them a thorough clean, as well as any general repairs and maintenance.