Rumenox - WHY?
July 2024

Rumenox is a rumen modifier (an ionophore) that contains the active ingredient monensin. Rumenox provides more energy to dairy cows by increasing the level of propionate produced in the rumen. This energy response is equivalent to feeding an extra 1.0 kg of dry matter at a portion of the cost.

Ketosis Prevention

Sub clinical ketosis is an energy robbing disease that has been associated with increased endometritis and a decreased 6 week in-calf rate. The cost per cow with sub-clinical ketosis is $86. Rumenox significantly reduces the incidence of sub-clinical ketosis in dairy cows by making more energy available and reducing blood ketone levels, this effect has been shown in a number of NZ studies. A recent analysis of New Zealand data showed a reduction in sub-clinical ketosis by 29.6%.

For optimum results Rumenox should be introduced pre-calving or, if not practical, it should be administered into the stock water as soon as the dairy herd returns to the milking platform in early spring.

Milk Protein Production

The increased propionate produced in a cow’s rumen when Rumenox is introduced results in greater glucose production which leads to increased milk protein.

Pasture Bloat

Rumenox is an effective bloat control strategy. The fermentation shift achieved in the rumen leads to a reduction in methane gas production. This shift has a lasting effect of 24-48 hours. This duration of activity is particularly important when relying on water medication for bloat control e.g. dosatron. Cows don’t always drink regularly, in fact they drink very little on wet days. Years of observational evidence strongly suggests that monensin out performs bloat detergents when relying on water medication for controlling bloat. When treating with conventional bloat detergents cows are still vulnerable to a bloat challenge when drinking is restricted, this is due to their shorter duration of activity.